Documentation and tips for setting up Weight Tracker on your WordPress site.
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Summary boxes appear at the top of certain tabs on the [wt] shortcode.
Using shortcode arguments on [wt], you are able to specify which summary boxes appear on each tab and in what order. To do this, simply specify the summary box slugs in a comma delimited list in the order you wish them to be displayed e.g.
[wt summary-boxes-home='latest-weight,bmi,bmr' ]
Below are the currently available summary boxes that you can use:
Display the latest value for the given custom field. Replace [slug] with the desired custom field's slug e.g.
Display the previous value for the given custom field. Replace [slug] with the desired custom field's slug e.g.
Display the oldest value for the given custom field. Replace [slug] with the desired custom field's slug e.g.
(this creates a new section and adds a divider)
Same box as "latest-weight" but forces the difference to be displayed as a percentage.
Same box as "latest-weight" but forces the difference to be displayed in weight.
The following shortcode is only available in the Premium version of the plugin.
The following shortcode is only available in the Premium version of the plugin.
Displays a count all entries (regardless of whether a weight has been entered).
Displays a count of all entries that has a weight entered).