Weight Tracker Documentation

Documentation and tips for setting up Weight Tracker on your WordPress site.

Weight Tracker Plugin / GitHub / YeKen.uk


[wt-difference-since-start] ( Pro )

The total weight lost by the logged in member.


Display the weight for first weight entry (for the current logged in user).

[wt-start-date] ( Pro )

Display the date of first weight entry (for the current logged in user).

[wt-previous-weight] ( Pro )

Display the weight for previous weight entry (for the current logged in user).

[wt-previous-date] ( Pro )

Display the date of previous weight entry (for the current logged in user).

[wt-difference-from-previous] ( Pro )

Display the difference between the user's current weight and the previous entry.

[wt-days-between-start-and-latest] ( Pro )

Display the number of days between the user's current weight and the previous entry. The shortcode has two arguments “include-days” (default false) to include the word “days” after the number and “include-brackets” to wrap the data within brackets.


[wt-days-between-start-and-latest include-brackets=”true” include-days=”true”]


Display the latest weight for the logged in user.

[wt-latest-date] ( Pro )

Display the weight for latest weight entry (for the current logged in user).


Display the logged in user's current target weight.

[wt-difference-from-target] ( Pro )

Display the difference between the current user's most recent weight entry and their target weight.

[wt-difference-from-target invert="true" display="percentage"]

Also supports the following arguments:


Display the difference between the current user's most recent weight entry and the one they have previously entered.

[wt-difference-between-latest-previous invert="true" display="percentage”] 

Also supports the following arguments:


Displays the user's height. It also supports the argument “not-specified-text” so you can display a message the user hasn't specified their height e.g.

[wt-height not-specified-text=”No height specified”]

or to blank the default text:

[wt-height not-specified-text=””]


Displays the user's gender. It also supports the argument “not-specified-text” so you can display a message the user hasn't specified their gender e.g.

[wt-gender not-specified-text=”No gender specified”]

or to blank the default text:

[wt-gender not-specified-text=””]


Displays the user's Date of Birth. It also supports the argument “not-specified-text” so you can display a message the user hasn't specified their DOB e.g.

[wt-dob not-specified-text=”No DOB specified”]

or to blank the default text:

[wt-dob not-specified-text=””]


Displays the user's Activity Level. It also supports the arguments “not-specified-text” and “shorten”. “not-specified-text” allows you to display a message the user hasn't specified their Activity Level e.g.

[wt-activity-level not-specified-text=”No activity level specified”]

or to blank the default text:

[wt-activity-level not-specified-text=””]

The second argument “shorten” if set to true shortens the string returned for Activity Level – some levels have more information in brackets (for example Moderate exercise (3-5 days/wk)), this is removed if shorten is set to true.


Displays the number of newly registered users in the last x days. By default, it will set the number of days to 7. It supports the following arguments;

“days” – the number of days to look back. For example, to show the number of registered users in the last year you would use: [wt-new-users days=365]

“count-all-roles” – by default, it will only count new users that have a role of “Subscriber”. If you wish to count all roles (administrators, editors, etc) then set this to “true” e.g. [wt-new-users count-all-roles=true]