Weight Tracker Documentation

Documentation and tips for setting up Weight Tracker on your WordPress site.

WordPress.org / GitHub / YeKen.uk


The following shortcode is only available in the Pro Plus version of the plugin.

[wt-macronutrients-table] displays recommendations on the best way to split your calorie intake (for maintaining and losing weight) into macronutrients i.e. Fats, Carbohydrates and Proteins. For more information on macronutrient calculations please read our calculations guide.

The following is an example of how the rendered table looks:

Macronutrient table

Shortcode Arguments

The shortcode supports the following arguments:

Argument Description Options Example
css-class Adds an additional CSS class to the HTML <table> tag Text [wt-macronutrients-table css-class="my-table-format-css"]
disable-jquery If set to true, the JavaScript that converts the simple HTML table into a responsive one shall be disabled. True or False (default) [wt-macronutrients-table disable-jquery=true]
error-message When rendering the table, if an error occurs due to missing criteria (for example Date of Birth) a generic message is displayed. This can be replaced by specifying this argument. Text [wt-macronutrients-table error-message="Please complete all the fields on the preference page"]
user-id By default, the shortcode will display the macronutrients table for the current user. You can display a macronutrients table for another user by setting this argument to the relevant user ID. Numeric [wt-macronutrients-table user-id="1"]