Documentation and tips for setting up Weight Tracker on your WordPress site.
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The following shortcode is only available in the Premium version of the plugin.
In some cases, you may only wish to display content if the user has completed certain WT fields. Let's say for example, you have a page where you wish to display a chart and some text introductory text, there is no point displaying the chart if the user has not entered their weight. The shortcode [wt-if] allows you some basic logic to specify “if exists” or “if not exists” type logic. So using the example above, you could have something like:
[wt-if field="weight" operator="exists"]
Some introductory text here explaining the chart.
We can also further expand this with an [else] clause. If the above condition is not met, we can specify what should be display instead e.g.
[wt-if field="weight" operator="exists"]
Some introductory text here explaining the chart.
Please add a weight entry or two!
Specifying more that one field
You may wish to create an AND condition where multiple fields must exist or not exist for the condition to evaluate as true. This can be done by comma separating field names – The following example states the person must have a height and recent weight:
[wt-if field="weight,height"]
Thank you - we can now calculate your BMI!
Please add a weight entry as well as your height.
At the moment this shortcode is in it's infancy, so please get in touch with any suggestions. Below you can see the fields and operators it supports and further examples of its usage can be found on the [wt-if] gist.
Comparison IF statements
In some cases, you may wish to check if a field is greater than, less than or equal to a given number. For this, the following "operator" values exist:
'equals', 'greater-than','greater-than-or-equal-to', 'less-than' or 'less-than-or-equal-to'.
Note: Weight comparisons will be made in either kilograms (kg) or pounds (lbs), depending on your default weight unit.
Compaison IF statements can only be used with the following fields:
Field | Description |
difference-from-previous | Difference between latest weight and previous weight |
difference-from-start | Difference between latest weight and start weight |
no-days | Number of days a user has been entering data for (latest date - start date) |
no-entries | Number of weight entries a user has made |
previous-weight | Previous weight |
target | User's target |
Weight | User's latest weight |
Note: With comparisons, you can only specify one field.
Below are some examples:
[wt-if field="no-entries" operator="less-than-or-equal-to" value=5]
The user has made 5 or less entries.
[wt-if field="difference-from-start" operator="greater-than" value=20]
Well done, you have lost more than 20Kg!!
[wt-if field="target" operator="less-than" value=4]
You've entered quite a low target, why not challenge yourself and set it just a little higher?
Nesting [wt-if] statements
There maybe instances where you wish to nest IF statements. For example you may want to ensure a person is logged in before checking if their weight and height. To do this, you can use the additional shortcodes to nest [wt-if-1], [wt-if-2] and [wt-if-3]. Each corresponds to the level of nesting. Below is a simple example:
[wt-if field="is-logged-in"]
You are logged in!
[wt-if-1 field="weight"]
We have your weight!
[wt-if-2 field="height"]
Great! We have all we need!
Please add a height!
Please add a weight!
Please login first :)
Another example can be found at the following Gist. It is important to note, if you nest an IF statement within another, you must add the -1, -2, -3 to the shortcode as you go deeper. Failure to do so will lead to unexpected behaviour.
Shortcode Arguments
The shortcode supports the following arguments:
Argument | Description | Options | Example |
field | Allows you to specify which field should be examined. | weight (default), previous-weight, is-logged-in, challenges-opted-in, target, bmr, height, aim, gender, photo, activity-level or dob. | [wt-if field="dob" operator="not-exists"]Please enter your Date of Birth on the settings page.[/wt-if] |
operator | Allows you to state whether field has been populated (exists) or not (not-exists). | exists (default), exists, equals, greater-than,greater-than-or-equal-to, less-than or less-than-or-equal-to | [wt-if operator="exists" field="weight"]Thank you for adding a weight entry[else]Please add a weight entry[/wt-if] |
strip-p-br | Specifies whether to remove <p> and tags added by WordPress |
true or false (default) | [wt-if strip-p-br="true"]Something[/wt-if] |
user-id | By default, the shortcode will determine the result for the current user. If you wish to determine the result based on another user, use the following argument. | Numeric | [wt-if user-id="1" field="weight"]Something[/wt-if] |