Weight Tracker Documentation

Documentation and tips for setting up Weight Tracker on your WordPress site.

Weight Tracker Plugin / GitHub / YeKen.uk


The following shortcode is only available in the Pro version of the plugin.

This shortcode is used to display the oldest value for the given custom field.

[wt-custom-fields-previous slug="cups-of-water-drank-today"]

Shortcode Arguments

The following arguments are the most popular for this shortcode:

Argument Description Options Example
slug Specify the slug of the custom field you wish to display the value for. Text [wt-custom-fields-previous slug="cups-of-water"]
user-id By default, the shortcode will display data for the current user. You can specify this argument to display data for another user ID Numeric [wt-custom-fields-previous user-id="1" slug="cups-of-water"]