Weight Tracker Documentation

Documentation and tips for setting up Weight Tracker on your WordPress site.

Weight Tracker Plugin / GitHub / YeKen.uk


The following shortcode is only available in the Premium version of the plugin.

Render the most recent award for the given user. Read more about awards. Awards are sorted by category and then value.

Shortcode Arguments

The shortcode supports the following arguments:

Argument Description Options Example
error-message Message to display if a relevant photo could not be found. String. Defaults to an in-build message. [wt-awards-recent error-message="No photo!!"]
height Allows you to specify the maximum height for the photo. It is best to specify the width argument as well. Number (default: 200). [wt-awards-recent height="400" width="400"]
width Allows you to specify the maximum width for the photo. It is best to specify the height argument as well. Number (default: 200). [wt-awards-recent height="400" width="400"]
user-id Specify the user ID to display an awardfor. By default, it will show the gallery for the current user Number. Defaults to user ID of the logged in user. [wt-awards-recent user-id=3]