Weight Tracker Documentation

Documentation and tips for setting up Weight Tracker on your WordPress site.

Weight Tracker Plugin / GitHub / YeKen.uk


The following shortcode is only available in the Pro Plus version of the plugin.

Render all awards (that have a badge) in a grid format for the given user. Read more about awards.


Shortcode Arguments

The shortcode supports the following arguments:

Argument Description Options Example
message Message to display if no awards can be found. String. Defaults to an in-build message. [wt-awards-grid message="No awards found!"]
thumb-height Allows you to specify the maximum height for the badge. It is best to specify the width argument as well. Number (default: 200). [wt-awards-grid thumb-height="400" thumb-width="400"]
thumb-width Allows you to specify the maximum width for the badge. It is best to specify the height argument as well. Number (default: 200). [wt-awards-grid thumb-height="400" thumb-width="400"]
user-id Specify the user ID to display awards for. By default, it will show awards for the current user. Number. Defaults to user ID of the logged in user. [wt-awards-grid user-id=3]